Does she have a bigger dick than yours?
Does penis size really matter?
We can make fun of it and laugh about it, but it's not really funny. If you're one among millions of men around the world who's stuck with a small penis, then you know it's no laughing matter.
Do women really prefer a bigger penis? YES! As a woman, I can honestly tell you that bigger is better. I'm not talking humongous, too big is no better than too small. In fact, I would choose a 6 inch penis any day over a 9 or 10 inch penis. But a 7.5 to 8 inch penis is much more satisfying for a woman than a 6 inch penis.
If your partner wants to use sex toys every time you have sex, and the dildo is bigger than your penis, it's a pretty good indication that your penis is not big enough to satisfy her.
Do penis enlargement pills or male enhancement products really work? Thousands of men around the world swear they do. But will they work for you?
What have you got to lose?
Reputable companies have a 100% money back guarantee which they honor if you send the product back within their timeline. If it works for you, you just won the battle. If for some reason they don't work, you get your money back. You lose absolutely nothing!
The two products I recommend most are made by the same company. They've been in business for several years and have an excellent reputation. No lawsuits hanging over their heads, thousands of satisfied customers, and they offer you a hell of a lot more than any other company on the market.
Penis pills vs penis patches vs penis enlargement devices and exercises
With penis pills, you have to commit to taking the pills as directed EVERY DAY. You can't take the recommended dose for a few days and then skip a day or two, then take the pills again for another few days, then skip a few more days or take less pills because you forget to take them. Either you're committed to the program or you're not.
If you don't think you can commit to taking pills on a daily basis for 4-6 months for best results, then don't buy pills, you're wasting your money. Penis enhancement pills only work if you take them.
Penis patches are a lot easier than pills and work the same way as the patch to quit smoking. They release herbal ingredients slowly which are absorbed by your skin and move through your body at a constant rate. The dose is constant and always right. Each patch is good for 3 days. You just put the patch somewhere on your body around your belly button, lower stomach or high thigh where you have no bruises, scratches or skin irritation, and forget it for 3 days!
You can shower, take a bath, swim, play sports, work, do whatever you want, the patch will never get in the way. You don't feel it and it's somewhere where nobody can see it. No embarrassing questions. Your penis is growing silently while everybody is watching without knowing what's going on. :)
Penis enlargement devices look scary to me. It looks painful although they claim it's not. I'm not comfortable recommending those because of the way they work. They make small tears in your penis which heal and help to lenghten your penis.
It's supposed to help men who are affected by peyronie's disease which is curvature of the penis or the penis is slightly to severely bent. Peyronie can make intercouse very painful and sometimes even impossible in extreme cases. Before using a penis stretching device, I would definitely recommend to talk to a doctor or at least get a few medical opinions.
There are several available on the market with various names, they all look like the same thing to me, but I won't put any links for any of them because I'm afraid they might do more harm than good.
ProSolution pills
- increase your penis size by 1 to 3 inches
- control premature ejaculation
- increase semen production
- intensify orgasms
ProEnhance Penis Patches
- increase in penis size 1 to 3 inches
- harder erections
- better sex drive and more sexual desire
PLUSSSSSSSSSSSSSS....... both ProSolution and ProEnhance offer the following with ANY purchase:
- ONE FULL YEAR 100% money back guarantee!
- Bonuses
Now you can't beat that. This is BY FAR the best guarantee in this industry. You can be confident that they DO honor it. Although these products can seem more expensive than some competitors at first glance, shipping is FREE worlwide! Don't forget to take shipping costs into consideration when you shop for penis pills.
In addition, you also get free access to Penis-Health, which is a website dedicated to penis enlargement and has been voted the #1 penis enlargement site on the internet for years.
Penis-Health gives you access to:
- penis enlargement exercises
- penis enlargement forum
- product reviews
- free consultations
- articles, advice, tips and news on penis enlargement and men's health in general
- dating and relationship advice and tips
and much more...
You can join Penis-Health on its own without buying pills or patches.
If you want to compare more pills, you can have a look at Top rated penis enhancement pills which highlights the best penis pills on the market with a brief review of each one.
If you've heard about VigRX but you want to know more I suggest the following site: Does VigRX really work? Thorough VigRX review and information. You'll get all the facts about VigRX, where it came from, how long it's been around, the company behind it, how it works, even before and after pictures from real men just like you.
For a larger selection, visit HotSexyShop's Male sex enhancers and penis enhancement/enlargement supplements. You'll get everything from natural viagra to pheromones to attract the woman of your dreams.
As long as you have realistic expectations of these products, they might just work for you. I know I read on a site before that men shouldn't expect to see their penis grow like Pinocchio's nose. I laughed, but I'm sure many men buy penis enlargement supplements and products expecting just that. I hope you're not one of them!
Have you had good or bad experiences with penis enlargement products? Post your comments! Completely anonymous. Tell other men about it.
We can make fun of it and laugh about it, but it's not really funny. If you're one among millions of men around the world who's stuck with a small penis, then you know it's no laughing matter.
Do women really prefer a bigger penis? YES! As a woman, I can honestly tell you that bigger is better. I'm not talking humongous, too big is no better than too small. In fact, I would choose a 6 inch penis any day over a 9 or 10 inch penis. But a 7.5 to 8 inch penis is much more satisfying for a woman than a 6 inch penis.
If your partner wants to use sex toys every time you have sex, and the dildo is bigger than your penis, it's a pretty good indication that your penis is not big enough to satisfy her.
Do penis enlargement pills or male enhancement products really work? Thousands of men around the world swear they do. But will they work for you?
What have you got to lose?
Reputable companies have a 100% money back guarantee which they honor if you send the product back within their timeline. If it works for you, you just won the battle. If for some reason they don't work, you get your money back. You lose absolutely nothing!
The two products I recommend most are made by the same company. They've been in business for several years and have an excellent reputation. No lawsuits hanging over their heads, thousands of satisfied customers, and they offer you a hell of a lot more than any other company on the market.
Penis pills vs penis patches vs penis enlargement devices and exercises
With penis pills, you have to commit to taking the pills as directed EVERY DAY. You can't take the recommended dose for a few days and then skip a day or two, then take the pills again for another few days, then skip a few more days or take less pills because you forget to take them. Either you're committed to the program or you're not.
If you don't think you can commit to taking pills on a daily basis for 4-6 months for best results, then don't buy pills, you're wasting your money. Penis enhancement pills only work if you take them.
Penis patches are a lot easier than pills and work the same way as the patch to quit smoking. They release herbal ingredients slowly which are absorbed by your skin and move through your body at a constant rate. The dose is constant and always right. Each patch is good for 3 days. You just put the patch somewhere on your body around your belly button, lower stomach or high thigh where you have no bruises, scratches or skin irritation, and forget it for 3 days!
You can shower, take a bath, swim, play sports, work, do whatever you want, the patch will never get in the way. You don't feel it and it's somewhere where nobody can see it. No embarrassing questions. Your penis is growing silently while everybody is watching without knowing what's going on. :)
Penis enlargement devices look scary to me. It looks painful although they claim it's not. I'm not comfortable recommending those because of the way they work. They make small tears in your penis which heal and help to lenghten your penis.
It's supposed to help men who are affected by peyronie's disease which is curvature of the penis or the penis is slightly to severely bent. Peyronie can make intercouse very painful and sometimes even impossible in extreme cases. Before using a penis stretching device, I would definitely recommend to talk to a doctor or at least get a few medical opinions.
There are several available on the market with various names, they all look like the same thing to me, but I won't put any links for any of them because I'm afraid they might do more harm than good.
ProSolution pills
- increase your penis size by 1 to 3 inches
- control premature ejaculation
- increase semen production
- intensify orgasms
ProEnhance Penis Patches
- increase in penis size 1 to 3 inches
- harder erections
- better sex drive and more sexual desire
PLUSSSSSSSSSSSSSS....... both ProSolution and ProEnhance offer the following with ANY purchase:
- ONE FULL YEAR 100% money back guarantee!
- Bonuses
Now you can't beat that. This is BY FAR the best guarantee in this industry. You can be confident that they DO honor it. Although these products can seem more expensive than some competitors at first glance, shipping is FREE worlwide! Don't forget to take shipping costs into consideration when you shop for penis pills.
In addition, you also get free access to Penis-Health, which is a website dedicated to penis enlargement and has been voted the #1 penis enlargement site on the internet for years.
Penis-Health gives you access to:
- penis enlargement exercises
- penis enlargement forum
- product reviews
- free consultations
- articles, advice, tips and news on penis enlargement and men's health in general
- dating and relationship advice and tips
and much more...
You can join Penis-Health on its own without buying pills or patches.
If you want to compare more pills, you can have a look at Top rated penis enhancement pills which highlights the best penis pills on the market with a brief review of each one.
If you've heard about VigRX but you want to know more I suggest the following site: Does VigRX really work? Thorough VigRX review and information. You'll get all the facts about VigRX, where it came from, how long it's been around, the company behind it, how it works, even before and after pictures from real men just like you.
For a larger selection, visit HotSexyShop's Male sex enhancers and penis enhancement/enlargement supplements. You'll get everything from natural viagra to pheromones to attract the woman of your dreams.
As long as you have realistic expectations of these products, they might just work for you. I know I read on a site before that men shouldn't expect to see their penis grow like Pinocchio's nose. I laughed, but I'm sure many men buy penis enlargement supplements and products expecting just that. I hope you're not one of them!
Have you had good or bad experiences with penis enlargement products? Post your comments! Completely anonymous. Tell other men about it.
At 11:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
One of my budies tried some of those pills before and he said they work his dick got bigger by abut 2 inches. No idea what pills he took tho. Would never touch those devices to stretch my dick! Looks fuckin painful to me to! Damn good porn you have here girl! You in any of the movies?
At 6:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
I bought penis pills from spam about a year ago and I paid for the fucking pills but never got them. That serves me right! I never even contested the charges on my credit card, I wasn't about to tell the world I wanted a bigger dick. I don't even know what pills they were. I guess I'll never know if they work or not. Maybe when I have a few bucks to spare I'll try some of yours. My dick ain't that small I just wanna know if it can get bigger.
At 11:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
LOL I don't know if these products really work. I would buy penis pills just for the heck of it because I'd want to know if they can really enlarge your penis and laugh if they didn't and call it a lesson learned the "hard" way. If they did work I would be pleasantly surprised! Not that I have a small penis, but to a man his penis never seems big enough, especially when you compare yours to the penis of some these male porn stars. You want to make yours even bigger. Too bad no one posted any good or bad personal experiences with penis pills or other penis products. I'd be quite curious to know how many men are happy customers versus those who didn't see any increases in their penis size. Anyone?
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